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Saturday, May 17, 2008


Welcome to my blog:

Bonobo, bonobo, bonobo! -- what a strange name for an ape creature. At first glance, it looks like a chimp, but at second regard, it doesn't ACT like a chimp at all. Almost humanlike in behavior, zookeepers and scientists have learned that bonobos, unlike chimpanzees, have the habit of using sex to disfuse social tensions. Bonobos are the ONLY species of animal -- besides us, that is, to have sexual relations outside of procreation. And unlike other species of apes, the bonobo has never been known to commit infanticide.

My blog is devoted to the bonobo, with spin-off subjects of conservation interest. In the months to come I will talk about the illegal exotic animal pet trade, the bushmeat situation, and the destruction of the forest to logging as well as gold, coltan, and diamond mining in central Africa. A percentage of proceeds from my book, Grains of Golden Sand will go to support the Lukuru field conservation project.

Having lived in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or DRC) for 14 years as a volunteer and "freelancer", I did many things such as studying zoonotic viruses for the World Health Organization, founding a children's magazine, working as a "vet", and aiding various conservation organizations. In the future, Iwill share with readers topics such as the effects of AIDS, the story of the basenji dog, the treatment of women and children, Congolese politics, how parrots are trapped, and African songs and stories.

Finally, because since 1974, I am, and have always been a "zookeeper" at heart, I want to share what zoos are doing worldwide to help today's generation understand and act to preserve animals in the wild, and in so doing, maintain a sustainable future for the planet. There will be many stories about zoo animal "ambassadors" with the links to projects in the field.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Photos are AMAZING! Please keep up your important work with these unique animals.