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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Making Ends Meet in Kinshasa

One of the ways I made money to stay in Kinshasa to care for the bonobos was through advertising for a telecommunications company called Telecel. From Grains of Golden Sand:

"“Mr. Telecel” became the figurehead on our billboards, grinning and straddling the planet Earth. His outswept hands, one gesturing with a cellular phone, embraced the notion of the logo: Ca, c’est Tout a Fait Telecel! This is Totally Telecel! By accident, I overheard a comment from an expat who regarded the proud, black billboard man and his electronic toy. He laughed aloud: “Only an African could come up with that ad!” I was flattered."

Kizito and I went to the factory to inspect one of the billboards that was being painted by hand. Since they hadn't painted Mr. Telecel yet, we both posed for a photograph, against the "Totally Telecel" slogan.

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